Civic 50 OC Honoree—Serviam by Wright LLP Commitment to Service & Community Impact

Serviam by Wright LLP has long been a champion of service, exemplifying a commitment to community service and corporate responsibility.  On September 12th, 2024, this dedication was honored when the firm was recognized, for the second consecutive year, as a Civic 50 OC honoree at OneOC’s prestigious event.  This award serves as a testament to the firm’s tireless efforts to uplift and support the communities they serve.

“At the heart of Serviam by Wright LLP lies a passionate devotion to public service—our core mission centers on unwavering dedication to our public agency clients, a profound commitment to community welfare, and a steadfast focus on contributing positively to the greater good.  At the core of our values, and embodied in the Latin translation of our name, is the principle of “I will serve.”  These community engagements not only strengthen our bond as a firm but also guide us in recruiting individuals who are passionate about civil service” said Managing Partner Curtis Wright, underscoring the pride Serviam takes in their ongoing community service initiatives.

The Venue at The Cove at UCI organizations gathered not only to receive recognition but also to inspire one another in the realm of corporate social responsibility.  The air was filled with excitement and unity as leaders shared best practices for making a lasting impact.  For Serviam, the moment was especially meaningful as Managing Partner Curtis Wright accepted the award on behalf of the firm, highlighting the firm’s deep commitment to community service and its dedication to making a lasting impact.

Serviam by Wright LLP’s recognition as a Civic 50 OC honoree stems from its deep-rooted commitment to making a difference through four key pillars, all required criteria for the recognition:

  1. Resource Investment: The firm’s generosity is evident in its consistent support for community causes, ensuring tangible help reaches those who need it most.
  2. Integration with Business Functions: Community service is woven into the fabric of the firm’s operations, reflecting a deep commitment to making a difference.
  3. Institutionalized Support: With strong policies and systems in place, their commitment to service is ongoing and sustained.
  4. Measuring Impact: Serviam by Wright LLP goes beyond donations, actively measuring the effects of their efforts to ensure real, long-term benefits for the community.

This past year has been a shining example of Serviam by Wright LLP’s leadership in community service.  In participating in The Priority Center’s 2024 Ready, Set, Learn Back-to-School Distribution Drive, which successfully provided much-needed school supplies to children in need across Orange County. The success of this event underscores the importance of community involvement and the positive impact that can be made when organizations come together for a common cause.

As the holidays approach, their spirit of giving grows even stronger. Every year, the firm adopts a family through The Priority Center, ensuring their holiday needs are met, from basic necessities like warm clothing and groceries to cherished gifts that bring joy to children and parents alike. The team goes beyond simple donations, thoughtfully selecting items and personalizing each gift, knowing the impact a compassionate gesture can have.

Reflecting on this meaningful tradition, Curtis Wright shared, “Seeing our team’s collective effort to brighten the season for families in need is an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s more than just giving; it’s about making connections and understanding that our support brings hope and happiness during a time that can be difficult for many.”

Serviam’s commitment extends well beyond the holidays.  Year-round, the Serviam Cares Team is actively involved in volunteer work at food banks and community agencies, demonstrating that service is a daily endeavor, not confined to specific events or seasons.  Their hands-on approach to community involvement sets a standard for what it means to make a consistent, meaningful impact.

The recognition as a Civic 50 OC honoree affirms Serviam by Wright LLP’s deep-seated dedication to building a stronger, more supportive community.  Through their ongoing initiatives, they have cemented a legacy of service in Orange County, showing that corporate social responsibility is not just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.  As the firm continues to lead by example, their efforts inspire others to join in and create lasting, positive change.


Located in Irvine, California, Serviam by Wright LLP is a leading law firm specializing in nuisance abatement, code enforcement, receiverships, municipal prosecution, liability defense, municipal services, court receiver, and hearing officer services.  Visit Serviam.Law for further information.