Nuisance Abatement

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serviam by wright LLP

Municipal Law & Code Enforcement Attorneys


Nuisance Abatement


Code Enforcement




Municipal Prosecution


Liability Defense


Municipal Services


Court Receivers


Hearing Officer Services

YOUR trusted ally in municipal & public agency law

Dedicated to Public Agency & Municipal Law PracticeServiam is your trusted partner in tackling municipal challenges.  By working together, we can enhance community well-being, promote public safety, and contribute to the greater good of our neighborhoods.  Contact us today to initiate a positive change in your community.

Latest Serviam Spotlight News

Sidewalk Vending Regulation & Enforcement in California

Sidewalk Vending Regulation & Enforcement in California

California’s approach to sidewalk vending has undergone significant changes in recent years. With the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 946 in 2018, known as the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act, the state decriminalized sidewalk vending and mandated that local governments allow...

Thank you for Visiting Serviam at the CACEO Conference!

Thank you for Visiting Serviam at the CACEO Conference!

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your support of Serviam by Wright LLP at the CACEO Code Conference! The event was a resounding success, and we truly appreciate your involvement and participation. Don’t forget to check out our sponsor video and event photos!...

Meet The Serviam Team at CACEO’s 2024 Code Conference

Meet The Serviam Team at CACEO’s 2024 Code Conference

The California Association of Code Enforcement Officers (CACEO) 2024 Code Conference is just around the corner, and Serviam is thrilled to be a top Conference Sponsor—as well as the sponsor of both the Mixer and the Gala!  Meet the Serviam Team at the conference from...



Richard Kudo is Of Counsel at Serviam by Wright Law Firm in Irvine, California.

Richard Kudo is of counsel at Serviam by Wright LLP.  Mr. Kudo earned his Juris Doctorate from the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, California, in 1978.  With over 45 years of legal experience, he has cultivated an extensive background in both private and public entity practice, litigating a broad range of complex matters across state, federal, and bankruptcy courts.  As a seasoned legal professional, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Serviam, where he continues to represent public entities in litigation matters.

Prior to joining Serviam, Mr. Kudo served as Principal Deputy County counsel for the County of Los Angeles from 2005 to 2024.  In this role, he supervised and directed outside counsel in the defense of various County departments, special districts, and public agencies, including the Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department, Department of Public Works, Department of Health Services, and Internal Services Department.  His work primarily focused on wrongful death, personal injury, and government liability defense.  Before assuming a supervisory role, he directly litigated cases to trial on behalf of the County and its affiliated entities.

Richard Kudo is Of Counsel at Serviam by Wright Law Firm in Irvine, California.


Reach out to us regarding a consultation or a current case.

3 Corporate Park, Suite 100
Irvine, California 92606

(949) 385-6431

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